Design FC x Common Goal
What the next generation has to say about mental health
A special merchandise collection to celebrate Common Goal’s Create the Space initiative, with proceeds going towards supporting Common Goal’s mental health work and Design FC’s youth design programs.
This collection was designed alongside soccer players ages 10-16 from Football for Her (LA), and South Bronx United (NYC), who visually expressed the importance of mental health and what mental health means to them.
As we continue bringing awareness to mental health in the sport world, this collection serves as a platform for youth to share their stories and powerful messages with the world. Their thoughts and messages are illuminating, and highlight the need to bring youth to the center of these conversations as this movement continues to grow.
Create the Space
About Create the Space
A collective of leading players from across the world have come together to ensure that football – at all levels – is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to understand, prevent, and deal with mental health issues.